Built You For Thought, from UK electronic duo Brook, is the fifth VeryRecords album release and was released on CD and via Digital Download on September 20th 2019.
Category / artists
The Colour of Terrible Crystal from US artist Alka, is the third VeryRecords album release and was released on CD and via Digital Download on October 13th 2017. Alka’s second album for VeryRecords, Regarding The Auguries, is the sixth VeryRecords album release and is released on 9th October 2020.
Buchla and Singing, the debut album from US duo Reed & Caroline, was the second album release on the VeryRecords label and was released on CD and via Digital Download on October 14th 2016. Their second album, Hello Science, the fourth VeryRecords album release, came out on July 6th 2018.
The first release from Vince Clarke & Paul Hartnoll is the single Better Have A Drink To Think which was released on 3rd June 2016. An album, 2Square, followed on June 10th 2016.